Fun Things To Watch!

Fun Things To Watch!

The glass world is getting a big spotlight on Netflix with the release of Season TWO of BLOWN AWAY!  The first season was released to much acclaim, but a smaller audience, in the summer of 2019.  Who binge watches anything in the summer? Who binge watched as much as we do now in Covid times?  Season Two released January 22nd.  IT’S SPECTACULAR!  We’ve all seen and won’t say a thing other than it’s good and it is a good representation of how things go in a hot shop.  Sort of…  (Crash!)

So if you haven’t, watch Season One first…there are spoilers right out of the gate in season two in terms of guest hosts, etc….  plus it’s good fun.

Log in to your Netflix and be ready to be Blown Away!  (Then jump on our website and register for a class with us so you can experience the Hot Shop for yourself!)

And there’s always fun things to see on YouTube!  This one was shared by our friend and fellow glass artist, guest artist and pumpkin patch brother Matt Urban…  We’ll be replacing our furnace ‘pot’ this summer.  Not quite like this, but it’s still dramatic!  We’ll keep you posted.  In the meantime…