Furnace Rebuild July 10th-21st ish?

Furnace Rebuild July 10th-21st ish?

Every two years we have to do routine maintenance on our glass blowing furnace, replacing the crucible that holds the glass.  It’s so hot and well insulated it takes 5 days to cool down enough to get in and work on it!  We use this time to make other improvements as well and are super excited about the re-casted doors on the big glory hole, plus new jacks and blow pipes headed our way!

During this shut down we are obviously not blowing glass but our gallery is open Saturday July 15th & Saturday July 22nd 10am-5pm. Glass fusing classes are on as usual the week of July 17th.  Right now there are still a few spots open in the 3pm session Saturday July 22nd.   We might actually be blowing glass on the 22nd too, but we never know what we are going to run into during a rebuild so you’ll just have to stop and see!  During the week you are welcome to stop in….give us a call to see when we’ll be here and if our OPEN flag is flying be sure to stop in.  Just ignore the mess!